Education, resources, and references to help clients and clinicians navigate healing for sexualized attachments.
Over the past decade I’ve worked with hundreds of adults and youth who present issues related to sexualized attachments. Depression, self-harm, anxiety, addiction, and sexual confusion are only a few of the possible symptoms. Unfortunately, these issues are often addressed individually without acknowledgement of underlying issues related to attachment needs, wounds, or deficits. The need for resources and research around this topic has created the opportunity for a repository of information for those who are struggling with these issues.
Learn more about sexualized attachments and the role they play in mental health.
Downloads, videos, and other resources to help you or a client work to heal.
A list of reference materials used in Dr. Godfrey’s research and on this site.
Now Available!
Healing & Recovery – Perspective for Young Men with Sexualized Attachments
Dr. Godfrey’s ground-breaking workbook is designed to help young men develop clarity and self-awareness around these issues and find a pathway for healing and recovery in their lives. See our Resources page for more information.